Category: Mark-Outs

What is the APWA Uniform Color Code?

What is the APWA Uniform Color Code?

The American Public Works Administration (APWA®) is a non-profit organization of companies, public works agencies, and individuals, and is headquartered in Kansas City, MO. APWA® also has a field office located in Washington, D.C. The APWA® Uniform Color Code is a marking guideline that is universal and should be used by all professional underground utility locating companies. It provides […]

What is meant by EOI?

What is meant by EOI?

When locating underground utilities, we may occasionally designate a utility to an unknown termination point. We will label this as EOI (End of Information). We will label this in paint on the ground, as well on any sketch, report, or drawing deliverable we provide. We use this term because it accurately describes the situation. When locating utilities, we […]